Land Acknowledgement
Respecting the Original Storytellers of Turtle Island
We acknowledge that the land we are located on has been the home of Indigenous people and Nations long before colonial documentation of time, and is specifically the land of the Huron-Wendat, Anishnabek, Mississaugas of the Credit, and the Haudenosaunee. The territory of what is known today as Toronto is under the One Dish, One Spoon Wampum belt, a peace treaty between the Haudenosaunee and the Anishinaabek, and is a mutual agreement between nations for sharing land and resources. The territories that encompass Toronto, as well, are under a number of treaties including Treaty 13, and in Scarborough specifically the Williams Treaties. There have been many Indigenous storytellers, names and words associated with this place, and today, Scarborough is home to a multitude of Indigenous people, languages, and cultures from around the world.
We as a collective are composed of people from various walks of life. We encourage you to support and advocate for Indigenous People and communities, everywhere. In Canada, specifically, this can look like many things; such as actively returning land, rejecting government legislation that violates the rights of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people; denouncing colonial histories within institutions; ending violence against Indigenous women, Two-Spirit and girls; donating money to Indigenous youth groups; and any actions that genuinely support the well-being and success of Indigenous People, everywhere.